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Extrusion 2-2025


Extrusion 2-2025

15. - 18. April 2025
Shenzhen, China

CPS25 VMVerlag 368x120 EN

EMP25 VMVerlag 368x120 EN

International 1-2018

The issue's advertisers:

Cooperation to improve Plastic Bottles Recycling & Sustainability

A new CarbonLITE recycling facility, located in Dallas, Texas, started operations in September 2017. The washing line supplied by AMUT has the state of art of the technology and is the second plant of this size in operation in the USA.

The New Compound Rework System 1000

On the occasion of TireExpo 2018, KraussMaffei Berstorff showcased the newCompoundRework system1000 (CRS 1000). This innovative solution is designed for processing scrap material generated during extrusion processes in the rubber processing industry.

A New Take on Bottle-to-Bottle

It is hard to imagine packagingwithout the use of plastics. Everything reaches the supermarket shelves in containers made of PP, HDPE, or PET. But in contrast to PET bottles, the collection of used containers made of polyolefins is still in its early stages.

Automatic Raw Material Handling

At Powtech 2017 the AZO Group demonstrated solutions for automatic handling of large and medium components and the integration of small components and ingredients in the automated process.

CCIT Technologies for Pharmaceutical Packaging

Pfeiffer Vacuum can offer its customers a complete range of leak testing and leak detection solutions. At the Pack Expo, Pfeiffer Vacuum and ATC was presented a wide range of CCIT (Container Closure Integrity Testing) technologies for pharmaceutical packaging.

New Blown Film Line with Numerous Innovative Features

The Collin blown film line presented itself completely updated at the Fakuma 2017 booth. Because the technically and optically optimizedmachine enables perfect blown films via the Collin bubble control.



Firms in this issue 06
Imprint 07
Industry news 08
Calendar 08
Friul Filiere: 40th Anniversary 08
First Converting 4.0 network meet in at KAMPF 11
Reifenhäuser + EDS: Acquisition 11
Maag + Ettlinger: Acquisition 12
European Plastics Industry works towards 50%plastics waste recycling by 2040 12
TPEs for Medical and Pharmaceutical Markets 13
First Recycling Line equipped with Odor Reduction Technology put into Operation 14
Post-consumer PE FilmRecycling – also in South Africa now 14
Aerospace composite solutions at JECWorld 2018 15
Automation of Roller Shutter Production 16
Automated Blender Cleaning introduced 16
More Turnkey Production Systems for High-Volume Production 17
Cooperation to improve Plastic Bottles Recycling & Sustainability 18
The New Compound Rework System 1000 20
A New Take on Bottle-to-Bottle 21
Sensor-Based Sorting Technology 23
Automatic Raw Material Handling 24
QUANTUM 360 for Pipe Extrusion: 360-Degree Measurement of Wall Thicknesses and Diameters 26
100% In-Line Inspection of Composite Materials for the highest process reliability and resource efficiency 28
All Components in View – Measure any Offshore Flexible 30
CCIT Technologies for Pharmaceutical Packaging 32
New Blown Film Line with Numerous Innovative Features 34
Getting the Most from Extrusion Tooling 36
„Our cooperation is driven by the highest quality standards“ 38
New Equipment & Innovative Control System to meet Challenges in Extrusion 40

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