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Extrusion 8-2024


Extrusion 8-2024

15. - 18. April 2025
Shenzhen, China

CPS25 VMVerlag 368x120 EN

EMP25 VMVerlag 368x120 EN

Extrusion Asia 2-2019

The issue's advertisers:

管材挤出- 访谈: 在挤出行业从事个体经营:10年 来的总结 / Pipe Extrusion – Interview: Being Self-Employed in the Extrusion Industry for 10 Years – A Conclusion

Josef Dobrowsky在他第一次创办自己的工程事务 所时,并不知道他的旅程会将他带到哪里。 如今 ,除此之外的任何事情对他来说都是不可想象的  / Josef Dobrowsky did not know where his journey would lead him when he first started his own engineering office. Nowadays anything else is unimaginable for him

回收利用-来自于产品研发: 欧盟项目“塑料循环利 用网络培训” / Recycling – From the Research: EU Project "Circular Plastics Network for Training"

基于溶剂的工艺 - 回收中去污的关键: 弗劳恩霍夫加工 技术和包装研究所开发的溶剂型工艺CreaSolv®可以将塑料复合材料和污染的生活垃圾有效分离 /  Solvent-based processes – the key for decontamination in the recycling: The solvent-based CreaSolv® process already developed by the Fraunhofer IVV enables effective separation of plastic compo sit es and contaminated household waste

行星螺杆挤出机满足加工 PET 的多种要求

今年年初,STAR挤出机成为了公司新的实验生产线中的一个 关键单元。实验生产线面向巴登菲尔德-辛辛那提的客户,提 供超出常规的特殊服务 / Since the beginning of the year, the STARextruder has formed one of the key components of our new lab line, which is enabling battenfeld-cincinnati to provide its customers with a particularly special service

Two Premieres at K 2019

生产高质量的长纤维增强热塑性塑料粒子,快速化改 造是对现有ProTec LFT拉条造粒生产线提升生产速度 的直截了当的方式,能够显著得增加粒子的产量 / A high-speed retrofit is the straightforward way to boost production speed on existing ProTec LFT pultrusion lines for manufacturing high quality long fiber reinforced thermoplastic pellets and to distinctly increase pellet production volumes

回收,混料: 用串联式生产线回收利用重度印刷 的薄膜和地膜 / Recycling, Compounding: Regeneration of Heavily printed Ground Film with Tandem Line

Gamma Meccanica SpA是已开发出串联技术,可满足塑料加 工商或塑料回收商的特定需求,这些厂家希望回收利用那些不 能盈利且难以回收的原材料,通常这些材料注定要进行垃圾填 埋处理 / Gamma Meccanica SpA has developed Tandem technology to meet the specific needs of processors or recycl ers who want to recover materials that otherwise would be destined for landfill

测量技术: 经过试验和测试的技术更趋完美 / Measurement Technology: Tried and Tested Technologies Further Refined

iNOEX 股份有限公司 K 2019预览: 在今年的K展上,采用前沿技 术重新设计的久经考验的产品组合将与全新技术相结合,向贸易展 的来宾展示 / iNOEX GmbH preview K 2019: On this year’s K Show, a proven product portfolio redesigned to be on the cutting edge of technology paired with completely new technology will be presented to the trade public



内容/ Content 04
企业短讯/ Branche Intern 06
挤出模头 : Guill推出往复式挤出模头 / Extrusion Tooling: Reciprocating Head introduced 14
管材挤出- 访谈: 在挤出行业从事个体经营:10年 来的总结 / Pipe Extrusion – Interview: Being Self-Employed in the Extrusion Industry for 10 Years – A Conclusion 15
管材挤出: 新型牵引单元:适用于大尺寸厚壁 HDPE管材挤出生产线 / Pipe Extrusion: New Haul-Off for Extrusion Lines of Large Dimension and Thickness HDPE Pipes 18
型材挤出: MILL / 8 可由客户按需定制的新型铣削机 / Profile Extrusion: MILL / 8 New Customized Milling Machine 20
挤出薄膜: 用于包装行业的新型试验生产线 / Film Extrusion: New Pilot Plant Line for Packaging Industry 22
回收,混料: 用串联式生产线回收利用重度印刷 的薄膜和地膜 / Recycling, Compounding: Regeneration of Heavily printed Ground Film with Tandem Line 24
回收利用-来自于产品研发: 欧盟项目“塑料循环利 用网络培训” / Recycling – From the Research: EU Project "Circular Plastics Network for Training" 26
测量技术: 经过试验和测试的技术更趋完美 / Measurement Technology: Tried and Tested Technologies Further Refined 28
循环经济-访谈: “对于整个社会而言,塑料废料是一个问题” / Circular Economy – Interview: “Plastic waste is a problem for society as a whole” 32
K 2019 – 预习 / Preview 35
本期杂志中的公司目录 / 敬请垂询 / Firms in this issue / Imprint 58

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