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Extrusion 2-2025


Extrusion 2-2025

15. - 18. April 2025
Shenzhen, China

CPS25 VMVerlag 368x120 EN

EMP25 VMVerlag 368x120 EN

Extrusion Asia 2-2021

The issue's advertisers:

薄膜挤压: 对卫生和食品安全的强烈需求增加了全 世界对软包装薄膜的需求
Film Extrusion: Desire for Hygiene and Food Safety Increases Worldwide Demand for Flexible Packaging Films

Brückner: 就接获订单量而言,过去的会计年度是 公司历史上第二成功的年度。
In terms of incoming orders, the past fiscal year was the second most successful in Brückner's history.

回收再生: 因 LDPE / LLDPE 废薄膜再造粒新工艺 技术而获奖
Recycling: Awarded for New Process Technology in Regranulating LDPE / LLDPE  Waste Films

自 2013 年以来,奥地利挤出和回收技术公司 MAS 和 荷兰薄膜回收公司 Caroda 一直在薄膜回收系统的技术开发方面开 展合作。这些系统专注于具有更高 LLDPE 含量的 LDPE 工业薄膜 以及农用薄膜。
Since 2013, Austrian extrusion and recycling technology company MAS and Dutch film recycling company Caroda have been  cooper - ating in the technological development of film recycling systems.

科倍隆 ZSK 双螺杆挤出机具备非常出色 的挥发成分脱除能力,在加工段的停留时 间  短,且分散性非常高,从而显著提高了 最终产品的质量(照片:科倍隆)
Coperion ZSK twin screw extruders provide very good devolatilization with short  residence times in the process section as well as very high dispersion, contributing  significantly to high end product quality

现在,可以使用科倍隆 ZSK 双螺杆挤出机将 PET 薄片加工成 粒子,而无需预先干燥。
PET flakes can now be processed without pre-drying into pellets using Coperion ZSK twin screw extruders.

Thermoforming: Certified Compostable, Bio-Based Food Containers

SÜDPACK Verpackungen 和 ILLIG Maschinenbau在合作项目中 开发出了热成型食品包装材料,其产品经过可堆肥认证且主要基 于生物材料。
In a cooperative project, SÜDPACK Verpackungen and ILLIG Maschinenbau have developed thermoformed food packaging with components that are certified compostable and predominantly bio-based.


独特的Gneuss旋转过滤技术确保了在恒定条件下不间断的生 产过程-即使是消费后回收材料的处理。
The Gneuss Rotary Filtration Technology ensures an uninter rupted production process under constant conditions – even when
post-consumer recycled material is processed.

塑料测量技术 : 经济实惠且可立即使用 – 新的小型化系 统
Measuring Technology for Plastics: Affordable and Ready to Start in Virtually no  Time – New Downsized Systems

PIXARGUS 也在低预算领域占据了一席之地。
PIXARGUS is setting a strong foot also in the lower-budget segment.



Branche Intern
挤出工具 : 充分利用您的挤出模具
Extrusion Tooling: Getting the Most from Your Extrusion Tooling
薄膜挤压: 对卫生和食品安全的强烈需求增加了全 世界对软包装薄膜的需求
Film Extrusion: Desire for Hygiene and Food Safety Increases Worldwide Demand for Flexible  Packaging Films
回收利用 - 用户报告: PE-内部回收:旋转过滤器使之成为现 实
Recycling – Case Study: PE-Inhouse Recycling –the Rotary Filter Makes it Happen
回收再生: 因 LDPE / LLDPE 废薄膜再造粒新工艺 技术而获奖
Recycling: Awarded for New Process Technology in Regranulating LDPE / LLDPE Waste Films
塑料测量技术 : 经济实惠且可立即使用 – 新的小型化系 统
Measuring Technology for Plastics: Affordable and Ready to Start in Virtually no Time – New  Downsized Systems
生物功能化材料——从研究到现实: 联合国已批准采用优质回收材料制成的 中型散货容器和塑料桶 Biofunctionalized Materials – From Research: UN-Approved IBCs and Plastic Drums Made With  High Quality Recyclate 40
质量控制: 在线质量控制有效地优化LDPE的生产 工艺
Quality Control: Effective Process Optimisation in the Production of LDPE by Means of Online  Quality Control
热成型: 经过认证的可堆肥、生物基食品容器
Thermoforming: Certified Compostable, Bio-Based Food Containers
回收利用 : 泰国用PET瓶对瓶回收线解决塑料垃圾 问题
Recycling: Plastic Waste Problem in Thailand tackled with PET Bottle-to-Bottle Recycling Line
塑料的循环经济: 一次性口罩回收试点项目
Circular Economy for Plastics: Recycling Pilot Project for Single-Use Face-Masks
本期杂志中的公司目录 / 敬请垂询
Firms in this issue / Imprint

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